Editor’s Note

Editor’s Note

I’ll begin with words of thanks for the outpouring of support and enthusiasm we received after re-launching the website last December. It makes all the work worth it to see our contributors so thoughtfully read and their work celebrated. Following the unveiling of the new website, we received more than double the typical number of submissions, a new level of enthusiasm that has sustained us as we prepared our winter Issue 87, which I’m so pleased to present!

We continue to find ourselves in extraordinarily stressful times of pandemic, continued violence against communities of color, economic precarity and inequality, and many other uncertainties. As I’ve worked on this issue, I’ve found the words of all these incredible writers so meaningful during these times, and it’s our hope that you’ll experience that, as well.

This Issue 87 contains a truly phenomenal lineup of poets and translators whose work will surprise and move you at every turn: María C. Domínguez, Randall Mann, Alina Stefanescu, Noah Falck, January O’Neil, Esther Lin, Miguel Murphy, Lisa Hiton, Preeti Vangani, William Fargason, Callie Garnett, Michael Chang, Linnea Axelsson translated by Saskia Vogel, Michael Goodfellow, Shane McCrae, Matt McBride, Jessica Murray, Heidi Seaborn, Matthew Thorburn, Dustin Pearson, Nan Cohen, Brian Simoneau, Debo Awe translated by Hussain Ahmed, Jessica Poli, Gregory Djanikian, Lucy Zhang, Katherine Indermaur, Andy Young, Daniel Ruiz, Jacob Sunderlin, Susan Rich, Keith Kopka, and Holli Carrell.

We’re grateful to have two exceptional reviewers return to our pages as Esteban Rodríguez reviews Imperial Liquor by Amaud Jamaul Johnson and Lindsay Lusby reviews Popular Longing by Natalie Shapero.

And we’re so fortunate to feature poet and visual artist Shane Allison’s striking Midas Rex Legend (2021) as our cover. Its textures, juxtaposed with bright colors, as well as the intensity of the medical labels, creates an unforgettable mixed-media collage that not only resonates in our moment but also generates beautiful and haunting tensions.

As always, I’m thankful to the TCR staff who have devoted their talents and time to making this issue happen. I wish them and our readers continued health and safety, and I hope you enjoy the issue!

Christian Gullette