Callie Garnett
Soft Office
Doug is knocking, Doug from Sales
I hate Doug, he reminds me of Fight Club, needing the quarter reports
In the modest board room, phone-hearted, synched
On day 13 of the Headspace journey I breathe & think of [peace surpassing pleasure beyond
The windows darken
Doug will need my P&Ls as well
My Vitamin D levels have been OK
Consider your effect on others, & the mind
Tends to soften, says Andy my guide
Flood my head with love / Doug / Whole Code / CON-sole, chrono-com
Pierce me on the crown
Put Meeting ID in
Now from the very top
Scan down
If you lose your place, start over
In all modesty, on day 13 of the Headspace journey
I breathe & think of those we’ll help
Helping ourselves
You & I are alike that way
Sometimes we don’t wash for weeks [health / kindness]
Now again, feel the tongue in the head
The jaw in the head
The fingers
DON’T you show me those Excels
Notice any sounds, says Andy
Notice any strong smells
Callie Garnett reads “Soft Office”
Callie Garnett is the author of the chapbooks Hallelujah, I’m a Bum (Ugly Duckling Presse), and On Knowingness (The Song Cave). Her first full collection, Wings in Time, is forthcoming from The Song Cave in September 2021. Her poems have appeared in the PEN Poetry Series, jubilat, The Recluse, No Tokens, and elsewhere. She works as an Editor at Bloomsbury Publishing.