Alina Stefanescu
My Heart Like That Dress I Lost
Grey silk gown
entering an evening.
Once I wore you
to dinner with myself.
The pious silk of
your skin folded
between fingers, the
stranger pouring
any wine you wanted,
the fan blessing air
through a room after
copulation. We felt
everything choired,
partnered, twined.
That night we slept
on a beach.That dawn
we woke up alone
and in love with
the sun’s scalded lips
opening then closing,
opening then closing
like blunt aubades
over us. I said one
aperture was enough.
Alina Stefanescu reads “My Heart Like That Dress I Lost”
Alina Stefanescu was born in Romania and lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her partner and several intense mammals. Her creative nonfiction chapbook, Ribald, was published by Bull City Press in Nov. 2020. Her poetry collection, dor, won the Wandering Aengus Press Prize and is forthcoming in July 2021. Alina’s writing can be found in Prairie Schooner, North American Review, FLOCK, Southern Humanities Review, Crab Creek Review, Virga, and others. She is currently working on an essay collection in dialogue with ghosts. More online at